Some perfumes claim to make you irresistible to women. Others make you irresistible to classrooms full of pre-schoolers.

I know most men are partial to a musty Old Spice scent, but nothing gets me going like the smell of wax crayons. Mm mm!

Just in case you didn't want to be around the real thing, you can just dab on a little Tobacco andWhiskey cologne after you shave.

Only slightly more manly, is the Sultry Sawdust aroma. Come home to your lady smelling like cedar and pine and everything fine! Even if you don't do any woodworking, you can still smell like someone who does. Women love smelly lumberjacks!

Now for you ladies, you're in luck! The Sweethearts and the Tootsie Roll perfumes are on sale!

It will be exactly like you have candy dabbed behind your ears, except not quite so sticky.

Every body loves to smell minty fresh, why simply brush your teeth when you can use our new Junior Mints scent.

In fact, why smell clean at all? Just go with the Dirt smell. Yummy!
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