Friday 4 June 2010

Fun Friday:
Food 'n Games

It's Fun Friday today on WhatWeirdos, when we feature things that are not only weird and funny but totally and completely awesome.  Downright dynamite.  Today's theme:  Food 'n Games.

"Welcome, welcome, come in."

(yes, that's "welcome" in binary)

"Have a seat.  The hamburgers will be off the grill in a moment." Cheeseburger Ottoman

"Wasn't that yummy?  Lip smackin' good.  Well, on to dessert."

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry!  I didn't realize you don't like ice cream." (I had a roommate in college who just didn't like ice cream.  Freak.)
"Perhaps you'd enjoy a cupcake then?"

"Let's play some games now. How about rubik's cube?  My husband can actually finish one.  Not as fast as some friends of ours, but still.  How about them apples."

"How about Trivial Pursuit?  No?  No one ever wants to play that with me.  Fine.  Pillow Fight!"

"Well, thanks for stopping by.  Come again!"


  1. Matt actually mentioned to me that he would like a similar welcome mat but have it say "Go Away" instead. I think I like the "Welcome" better.

  2. Our mat says, "I'm a lover, not a fighter!"
