Wednesday 13 April 2011

The Cat Lady

He sauntered down the aisle.  Walgreens was a step down from his usual haunts, but it would have to do; Leanne had driven.  Larry paused for a moment to investigate a display at the end of an aisle.  The hair on the back of his neck went up--someone was staring at him.  A tired-looking pregnant woman.  Whatever.  Leanne didn't need to activate plan B, the device held in her hand.  Everyone knows leashes are for dogs.
Yes, I saw a cat, with owner following, wandering through the drug store. At some point you have to ask yourself.  Who owns who?  Here's a clue, if you aren't just tempted by cat lampshades,

but actually OWN one, you might want to think about a re-evaluation.  Unless you're trying to be immortalized by an action figure previously featured here on WhatWeirdos:

The Cat Lady.

Special thanks to Juli M. for the lampshade ;)
Again, yes, I really did see a cat in Walgreens today.  For reals.

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