For centuries people have been finding clever ways of disguising themselves. Whether they're on the lam, robbing a liquor store, dressing up for halloween, or at Paris Fashion Week apparently.

German designer Karl Lagerfeld, who sent this handbag down the runway, is said to be a genius and living legend. Most legends wear masks and superhero tights, but a well made and expensive handbag will help you stay in high fashion if you must remain incognito.
For those of us with less expensive taste for disguise and dramatic flair, these 'stache pencils will keep your co-workers guessing when lunches and deserts continue to go missing from the break-room fridge as the Mustached Office Meal Bandit strikes again.

I know if I were going to do any thieving or double crossing, a mustache would be the way to go. And since fall fashions are just now sneaking in to stores, a nice warm ski-mask/hoody top is the perfect way to bundle up next time you are going out on the know, to rob a bank or something.
With so many disguise options, it's a wonder everyone doesn't have an alter ego. Or maybe they do and I just haven't caught on yet...
Just FYI Weirdos Watchers, this is Keri here. I'm Susan's sister and I'll be doing the blog updates for a few days while Susan packs up and moves about half way around the world. Hope you all don't mind!
Hilarious! Thanks for doing this Keri. You are the best!!
ReplyDeleteThe funny thing is, I love all these products! I would totally buy the bag and the pencils.