Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Hurray for Geeky weirdos

Today, dear weirdo watchers, it is my pleasure to present the funniest and weirdest usb devices I could find.
First, for hungry weirdos, we have a chicken leg:

Still hungry?  Would you like a pizza?  Or a hamburger?

Not hungry?  Do you like a little bling?

The only problem with dressing up a USB drive as a gold brick is that it would run a higher risk of being stolen.
Better try this next one if you're afraid of theft.  It looks like a frayed cord sticking out of your laptop.
Hacked USB Flash Drive

Still concerned about theft?  Or hunger?  Or maybe that you'll be stranded on a desert island with only your USB drive?  I've got just what you need. 

Ta da!  
A USB drive even MacGyver would love. 

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