Sunday 23 May 2010

Trying to forget what happened on Hoth

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, there was a really cold planet called Hoth. There, out of desperation, our young jedi in training, Luke Skywalker (after seeing a vision of his former master, Obi-wan, or Ben Kenobi telling him to go to Degoba), is put by his friend Han Solo into the steamy stinky gut of a creature called a tauntaun. Han had found him freezing to death and going in and out of consciousness. In this never before heard sequence (and not really heard right now), we get to hear the thoughts of our hero:

Ben... Ben... I don't want to go to Degoba.... So cold.....Can't I use the force to make some heat or something? I'm sosososo cccccollld. HaHaHan? Is that you? Ben.... Degoba.... Wha.....wha...warm. So warm. mmmm. Squidgy.
What the... Where am I?

When you were pretending to be Luke Skywalker as a child (or just an hour ago--come on, admit it), isn't that the exact scene you most wanted to recreate? Not the cool fighter sequences ("red leader, checking in"..."stay on target"), or where Luke and Han are given medals by Leia, or even that "Luke, I AM your father" scene, but the tauntaun guts. Really? Then I have the perfect thing for you:

Thanks to Juli for putting us on this tauntaun's trail.

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